Mats Jonasson IRON & CRYSTAL - LIMTED EDITION - Sculpture Mefisto Nr. 6/29 - 68231
MJ68231 Mats Jonasson IRON & CRYSTAL - LIMITED EDITION Mefisto Nr. 6/29. Crystal and iron sculpture mounted on an oak*(Quercus Robur)base. Sculpture is handmade, hand-painted with organic paint and signed.
Colour: red / orange
H = 450 mm / 18 ''
Weight: 10.5 kg
Oak base*
Plant scientific name: Quercus Robur
Country of harvest: Slovenia
Quantity of plant material: 0,0005082 m3 or
140 mm x 110 mm x 33 mm
Percent recycled: SSC 100% certificate
HS Code: 9703.00.00
Country of Origin: Sweden
Country of Export: Estonia
4895,00 €